Lista jednokierunkowa Mariusz: Mam napisaną listę jednokierunkową w c dla liczb całkowitych Plik nagłówkowy #ifndef LISTAH_ #define LISTAH_ struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; int isEmpty(struct Node*); void pushFront(struct Node**,int); void pushBack(struct Node**,int); int pop(struct Node**); void insertNodeBefore(struct Node**,int,int); void insertNodeAfter(struct Node** ,int ,int ); void deleteNode(struct Node**,int); void deleteList(struct Node**); void saveToFile(struct Node* head,char* path); void loadFromFile(struct Node** head,char* path); struct Node* findNode(struct Node*,int); void reverse(struct Node**); int size(struct Node*); void printList(struct Node*); void split(struct Node*,struct Node**,struct Node**); void merge(struct Node**,struct Node*,struct Node*); void mergesort(struct Node**); #endif Plik z funkcjami obsługującymi listę #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include "lista.h" int isEmpty(struct Node* head) { return (head==NULL); } void pushFront(struct Node** head,int n) { struct Node* newNode; if((newNode=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)))==NULL) { printf("Brak pamieci na wezel\n"); return; } newNode−>data=n; newNode−>next=(*head); (*head)=newNode; } void pushBack(struct Node** head,int n) { struct Node* newNode; struct Node* temp; if((newNode=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)))==NULL) { printf("Brak pamieci na wezel\n"); return; } newNode−>data=n; newNode−>next=NULL; if(isEmpty((*head))) { (*head)=newNode; } else { temp=(*head); while(temp−>next!=NULL) temp=temp−>next; temp−>next=newNode; } } int pop(struct Node** head) { int val=0; struct Node* temp; if(!isEmpty((*head))) { temp=(*head); val=temp−>data; (*head)=(*head)−>next; free(temp); } else printf("Struktura jest pusta\n"); return val; } void deleteNode(struct Node** head,int n) { struct Node* aux; struct Node* previous; if(isEmpty((*head))) { printf("Lista jest pusta\n"); } else { aux=(*head); previous=NULL; while(aux!=NULL&&aux−>data!=n){ previous=aux; aux=aux−>next; } if(aux==NULL){ printf("Liczby nie znaleziono na liscie\n"); } else { if(previous==NULL) { (*head)=(*head)−>next; } else { previous−>next=aux−>next; } free(aux); } } } void printList(struct Node* head) { struct Node* temp; temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",temp−>data); temp=temp−>next; } } void deleteList(struct Node** head) { while(!isEmpty((*head))) { deleteNode(head,(*head)−>data); } } struct Node* findNode(struct Node* head,int n) { struct Node* temp; temp=head; while(temp!=NULL&&temp−>data!=n) temp=temp−>next; return temp; } void insertNodeBefore(struct Node** head,int x1,int x2) { struct Node* newNode; struct Node* save; struct Node* pred; if((newNode=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)))==NULL) { printf("Brak pamieci na wezel\n"); } newNode−>data=x2; if((*head)==NULL) { printf("Wezla nie znaleziono \n"); } else { save=(*head); while(x1!=save−>data&&save−>next!=NULL) { pred=save; save=save−>next; } if(save−>data==x1) { if((*head)==save) { newNode−>next=save; (*head)=newNode; } else { newNode−>next=save; pred−>next=newNode; } } else { printf("Wezla nie znaleziono\n"); } } } void insertNodeAfter(struct Node** head,int x1,int x2) { struct Node* newNode; struct Node* save; struct Node* pred; if((newNode=(struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)))==NULL) { printf("Brak pamieci na wezel\n"); return; } newNode−>data=x2; if((*head)==NULL) { printf("Wezla nie znaleziono\n"); } else { save=(*head); while((x1!=save−>data)&&(save−>next!=NULL)) { pred=save; save=save−>next; } if(save−>data==x1) { newNode−>next=save−>next; save−>next=newNode; } else { printf("Wezla nie znaleziono\n"); } } } void reverse(struct Node ** head) { struct Node * prev=NULL; struct Node * current=(*head); struct Node * next=NULL; while(current!=NULL) { next=current−>next; current−>next=prev; prev=current; current=next; } (*head)=prev; } void saveToFile(struct Node* head,char* path) { FILE* fp; struct Node* temp; if ((fp = fopen(path, "wt")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output file.\n"); return ; } temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { fprintf(fp,"%d\n",temp−>data); temp=temp−>next; } fclose(fp); } void loadFromFile(struct Node** head,char* path) { FILE* fp; int value; if ((fp = fopen(path, "rt")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file.\n"); return ; } while(!feof(fp)) { fscanf(fp,"%d",&value); pushFront(head,value); } fclose(fp); } int size(struct Node* head) { int no=0; struct Node* temp; temp=head; while(temp!=NULL) { no++; temp=temp−>next; } return no; } void split(struct Node* head,struct Node** front,struct Node** back) { struct Node* slow; struct Node* fast; if(head==NULL||head−>next==NULL) { (*front)=head; (*back)=NULL; } else { slow=head; fast=head−>next; while(fast!=NULL) { fast=fast−>next; if(fast!=NULL) { slow=slow−>next; fast=fast−>next; } } (*front)=head; (*back)=slow−>next; slow−>next=NULL; } } void merge(struct Node** head,struct Node* list1,struct Node* list2) { struct Node* tmp; if(list1==NULL) (*head)=list2; if (list2==NULL) (*head)=list1; if(list1−>data<=list2−>data) { (*head)=list1; }else{ (*head)=list2; list2=list1; list1=(*head); } while((list1−>next!=NULL)&&(list2!=NULL)) { if(list1−>next−>data<=list2−>data){ list1=list1−>next; }else{ tmp=list1−>next; list1−>next=list2; list2=tmp; } } if(list1−>next==NULL) list1−>next=list2; } void mergesort(struct Node** head) { struct Node* h1=NULL; struct Node* h2=NULL; if((*head)!=NULL&&(*head)−>next!=NULL) { split((*head),&h1,&h2); mergesort(&h1); mergesort(&h2); merge(head,h1,h2); } } Co zmienić w kodzie aby typem danych był void*
26 mar 20:23
jc: Zamień napis int na napis void* emotka
26 mar 20:44
Mariusz: Czy ja wiem czy to będzie działać ? Wydaje mi się że to nie jest aż takie łatwe
26 mar 21:44